Where is the Tacoma now?

Check here for regular updates as to the whereabouts of the MFV Tacoma



    2025 Ladies' Tuna Poling Trip #1: Friday 31 Jan to Sunday 2 Feb.
    2025 Ladies' Tuna Poling Trip #2: Friday 14 Feb to Sunday 16 Feb.
    2025 Men's Tuna Poling Trip #1: Friday 7 Feb to Wednesday 12 Feb.
Motor Fishing Vessel Tacoma

Like much of Australia and the rest of the world, the Tacoma Preservation Society (TPS) put the MFV Tacoma into hibernation until the challenges of COVID-19 were sorted.

She was tied up at her mooring at Sandy Point Drive in Port Lincoln for most of that time. But we are back!

The various charity days, charters and plans to slip the vessel were slightly altered.

If anyone is into rowing, don't forget the Tacoma's Rowing Group gathers every Wednesday (4:30pm - 6:00pm) at the Tacoma berth on Sandy Point Drive.

Please keep healthy and safe and the very best wishes to you and your family.

Tacoma Captain Trevor 'Bluey' Filmer and the TPS Crew


Tacoma Preservation Society

All departures from Sandy Point Drive unless otherwise advised. The booking schedule is subject to the tide and the weather.

To book a charter or go on one, please contact
Trevor 'Bluey' Filmer on 0419 860 996.